I presented at the Everything Open 2023 conference in Melbourne. My talk was called Boost your project’s trust signals with great docs!

I work at Open Strategy Partners, where trust plays a big part in how we communicate.

After my talk, the questions and discussion that arose from the audience showed that there was a big interest in docs and tech writing, and their associated challenges like:

  • too many docs
  • not enough docs
  • where to publish the docs
  • working with tech contributors
  • the loneliness of lone writers.

Overall, it was a friendly, welcoming, professional event, with a wonderful organizing committee and supportive tech staff. The live streaming went off without a hitch! Really cool.

You can grab a copy of my slides and see the references and supporting material over on the OSP blog.

While you’re there, get yourself a Trust and Vibrancy Report from OSP!